Michael Grossberg

PACE Founder; Professor, History; Law; PACE Faculty Advisory Board, 2016-present

Full Biography

Michael Grossberg is the Sally M. Reahard Professor of History and a Professor of Law at Indiana University. He founded PACE in 2009 and currently teaches the PACE Capstone Seminar each spring.

Mike’s research focuses on the relationship between law and social change, particularly the intersection of law and the family. He has written a number of books and articles on American legal and social history. He is currently working on a study of child protection in the United States from the 1870s to the present and a comparison of children’s rights in Sweden and the United States since 1945. He has also been involved in several family policy research projects such as an initiative to create guidelines for genetic testing in child custody cases and co-authored historians’ amici curiae briefs in support of marital and other rights for same-sex couples.

Mike also edited the American Historical Review from 1995 to 2005 and recently completed a term as president of the American Society for Legal History. And he presently serves on the board of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana.