“The Political and Civic Engagement program and the Big Ten Voting Challenge at IU are participating in National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday. On this occasion, we invite our campus community to reflect on the historic opportunity for young people to shape the character of our country. It begins at the ballot box. Today, millennials and Generation Z eligible voters combined outnumber the baby boomers. This will be the first year since the 1990s that younger voters will be able to cast more votes than older generations, thereby luring lawmakers’ ears to their concerns. Today’s youth are not just more numerous, they are more diverse. A recent census bureau report shows nearly half of Americans under 40 years old identify as a racial or ethnic minority…While our country is at a point of peak polarization, youth voices can foster a new spirit of social cohesion. Younger generations are eager to address issues such as climate change, affordable health care and racial justice. Leaders will listen when collective voices are amplified. This election season, your voice is your vote, your vote makes a difference and that difference impacts policy making. Please join the movement to revive democracy and do your part to register, vote and support all students in getting to the polls.”
Students are key to a thriving democracy
Tuesday, September 22, 2020